Nippon Paint Addresses Spalling Concrete Concerns


SINGAPORE  – In July, Singapore’s Housing Development Board (HDB) announced its selection of approximately 53,000 flats, built on or before 1997, to undergo structural improvements and upgrades as part of its ongoing Home Improvement Programme (HIP). Scheduled improvements include a tested method of repairing spalling concrete, referred to as ‘corrosion resistant repair’, which involves the application of multiple layers of anti-corrosion compounds.

Causes of spalling concrete

Spalling concrete is a common problem in Singapore’s humid climate. It is mainly caused by moisture, salts and chlorides seeping into reinforced concrete and causing the internal metal rebars to corrode. When rust particles form on the metal rebar, they move outwards into the surrounding concrete and result in a volumetric expansion, causing the concrete to bulge and eventually crack.

In advanced cases of spalled concrete, chunks of concrete can fall away, exposing the rusted metal rebar. This undermines the aesthetic appeal of the premises and poses a safety hazard to residents and visitors.


Anticipating market needs

Building on its tradition of innovation and anticipating market needs, Nippon Paint Singapore has developed a solution that not only repairs spalling concrete but helps prevent recurrences in the future. The innovative solution is also believed to extend the life of concrete structures, thus serving as a cost-effective maintenance programme for building owners.


Three products are better than one

Nippon Paint’s spalling concrete repair and preventive treatment solution involves the application of three complementary products in a fixed sequence over two days. While each product has its own distinct function and purpose, the nett result of using all three is synergistic.

A distinct advantage of Nippon Paint’s spalling concrete solution is its relatively swift and clean method of application, which causes minimal disruption to residents and building users. No concrete blasting or grinding is required, thus avoiding the generation of concrete dust that can lead to various health problems including serious respiratory conditions.

All three products in Nippon Paint’s spalling concrete solution are water-based and environmentally friendly. They contain near-zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs), potentially harmful chemicals that become airborne during curing.


Importance of skilled workmanship

More than a manufacturer and retailer of paints, coatings and building materials, Nippon Paint is a committed partner to the building trade. As such, it invests heavily in educating and training a skilled workforce of local contractors and applicators.

Nippon Paint will conduct seminars and trainings to familiarise local contractors and applicators with the correct sequence, tools and techniques for the application of its spalling concrete repair and preventive treatment solution.


Prevention is better than repair

For obvious reasons, it is better to treat spalling concrete in its early stages before it becomes a danger to residents and requires more extensive and expensive repairs.

Contact Nippon Paint to find out more details.